I'm detoxing at the moment with tea. Today I drank quite a lot, being a celebration and all that. Not that I actually celebrate it but it's an awesome reason to drink. On a second hand, I don't need a reason to drink either. I've also been voted as the greatest alcoholic in the family HAHAHAHAHAHA.
I was also a little bit tipsy when I met Vanina. I don't know if she could tell or not ..she didn't point it out anyway.
But here's another tag, with the theme of firsts.
first word: I suppose it was "mom". Funny though, my mom can't remember it either.
first day of school: I didn't want to go. But I got a flower on that day.
first kiss: there was too much alcohol to remember.
first band you really liked: enigma, I believe.
first CD: a Jaaportit CD hihi :3.
first day of high school: people laughing at my name. I have a rather funny family name xP.
first word your best friend said: is this your money?
first day of uni: two girls blinking at me rather than answering my question.
first failed exam: English civilization x).
first day of work: I was eating more than selling stuff.
first blog post: April 2008. I deleted that blog though. I permanently deleted my blogs.
Nobody is online again, so I'm going to watch Night Watch and Day Watch. There's a movie with Konstantin Khabensky on the tv so that's mainly the reason ..irrelevant ..so I'm gonna head off now.
But oh, here's a little vid Claudia gave me. Balloooooooons~