I FINALLY HAVE INTERNET!! And I'm already bored silly. I had no internet because the fuckers at the internet company hardcoded dad's mac so we couldn't use the router, even though they know we have a router. That and apparently my laptop crashed the router and we had to get a new one. I have this gruesome bad luck with laptops:C.
So here's to a belated happy Christmas, a belated Happy Birthday to Dolores and another belated Happy Birthday to Nanneh.
Aaaah it's so nice to be back and blogging about nothing in particular.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Yesterday was my last unofficial day at the uni. Officially, the holiday vacation starts next Wednesday, but since most of the students are from other towns, they left either yesterday, either today, either some more unfortunate students leave tomorrow. Like me. Adi is also leaving tomorrow, but she's taking the train. I couldn't get a train ticket. They're all sold out o.o'. My brother's car is useless, because it finally started snowing around here, and the car isn't properly equipped [it lacks winter tires]. My brother also has to work tomorrow and the day after that, and he'll be coming home barely on Monday. So I'm leaving tomorrow, all alone. If I had known, I would have gone earlier to buy a train ticket ... but alas. It's quite funny that me and Adi could barely meet in Bucharest, but now that the holiday is starting we're so going to get bored together. There are not many things to do in our hometown. Except eating, watching movies, eating some more and sleeping. And in between that working on my thesis. And other projects :3.
Today I fed the dogs around my subway station. I always pass by them and they always break my heart. Especially in this time of the year, they're curled up on the steps and shivering and so desperate for some warmth and gaaaaah... So I went and bought them some food. Those puppy eyes are going to be the death of me haha =).
Oh btw, I recommend the movie "Die Welle". It's about modern day fascism ...oh noes x). It's quite fascinating to see how easy it is to create a new social wave, regardless of Germany's fascist history.
@Obsie: I think I am blind but but .. where is your cboooox? oh honey I miss you too :*. tomorrow I am leaving home so I should have more time to sit around on msn .. but then again, I always say that -_-.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
I should be doing my German homework. I should be also studying for my upcoming tests at German and English. I should also be working on my thesis. Instead I am baking a cake. As you can see, I am getting my priorities straight. Sweets > studying :3. I feel like I can't be bothered with such simple matters...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
What's up? What's up? What's up? I know I promised Carry that I would update more often, except now I have a beri gut excuse. Whenever I have some time, I spend it at the Geothe-Institut working for my thesis. I am pretty stressed about it because I feel like I'm going nowhere fast. And my thesis coordinator will chew my tushiee ... And I haven't even started working on my semestrial Deutsch Glossar. And right now, I should really start my homework for tomorrow. Aaaah I'm being irresponsible again. Meeeh ...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Today is our national day. And just a bit earlier I managed to fall and hit my right arm [typing with my left, which is kind of a bitch to me :C]. You'd think that with the amount of absinth I drank today I wouldn't feel a thing, but it hurts so much ... that I am blogging =))). I met with my sister and some of our friends and we drank ourselves silly :3. Today it rained, then the weather dropped below 0 Celsius degrees so all the wet pavement turned to one big fucking ice-skating ring XD. I don't know if you can tell, but I am being deeply sarcastic. Boofuckinghoohoo.