So I did my sister a favor and called the guy with the job opportunity to set an interview date. He was busy and he said he'd call back. And that was on Friday x). Today is Monday and still no call. Not that I am too sad about it though. Well this means that I will be heading back home, to at least help my parents with their work since my dad managed to break his right arm. And everybody told him countless times to take it easy but he won't listen to reason. Many said that I take my stubborness from dad, but that is wrong. I take my stubborness from both my mom and dad XD.
But I digress. So I will be heading back home. But not this week, as I wanted to. Because I have no place to sleep in. Back home, all the rooms are taken by close or some rather distant relatives. Shit is awesome. And on Wednesday, it's also one of my brother's bday. And he's buying us drinks. So it would be rude of me to leave.
And oh yeah, yesterday I went with my sister to look for a bday present for him but it appears we're seriously lacking in the brain department because ..Sunday, all the shops are closed. So we ended up at the movie theatre and we saw Harry Potter bla bla 3D. Regardless of the fact that neither one of us actually likes the series, we only saw it because it was in 3D. It was a bad call on our behalf because the 3D was disappointing to say at least. It felt like I was watching a 2D movie, the story was predictable and I haven't even read the books, the ending was pretty lame. On the other hand, there was nothing better playing, as The Green Lantern 3D wasn't playing in that movie theatre yet and they stopped playing Priest for a while now. Yes, I would rather see bad-ish movies instead of HP.
Then my sister came by, I made food, we saw Tron: Legacy ...meh.