Today I was planning to continue the work on meine Glossar. I was so motivated and all that ... but I got lazy. And at the rate I am working on it, I am sure that I will write it one day prior to handing it over. And now I also have to make a presentation at English History over the Chartist riots. But ack, never mind that.
This year, I have two teachers, one from Österreich and one from Deutschland, that both organize deutsch und österreichische movie nights. The movies are Cannes/Oscar nominated movies... you know .. the type of movies that at the end of it makes you wonder what was really the point and that have a little bit too subtle ideas of genius. Und sie sind ohne Untertiteln. Das ist ein bisschen gut weil sie uns zwingen, schneller zu lernen.
Ack now I am even starting to write in deutsch :\