I am pissed. Severely pissed. My brother's gf still didn't move out. Is she waiting for a push or something like that? I'm willing to push her .. no biggie. And I swear that my classmates are getting dumber by day. Is it really that much to ask of their lonely neuron to conjugate the verb at the right tense and moreover, the right person? English is one of the easiest languages to learn. It has a poor morphology as well. Really now .. I has being?! it doesn't had?! haved being walking?!. And these are only a few examples of how my classmates can create a massacre with this language. Their vocabulary and accent are below sea level.
And then I have this person at the uni. Only the sight of her repulses me, but lo! she's supposedly a dee-vah. If only she had some grounds to base her statement on. We don't talk or even acknowledge the other's presence. But today she finally took pity on this undersigned humble mortal and went on with a crushing tirade. Our Literature teacher re-scheduled last Friday's seminar for today and I thought I could do a good deed and inform the other students. And of course today was not good with the dee-vah's schedule and she said that I am so rude for talking with the teacher and planning the seminar on a day that she wanted to rest her ginormous ass. Last time I checked I didn't have a degree in Philology therefor it was not my task to re-schedule a seminar, since I am only a student and it is the teacher's task and wish. Her lonely neuron is tired. Man she sucks so much. Actually I don't think she can do that either. But of course it didn't end there. Apparently I was the only one who read the text for Literature. The dee-vah, who can't even say a 'hi' or even a 'go fuck yourself!' or anything to brighten up my day, came up to me and demanded: "Give me your notes. Maybe they are satisfactory enough to copy them.". If it were possible, I wish I could have shoved my foot down her throat until she shitted my shoe. I hate her type of person. Opportunist to no end.
I am pissed today. Severely pissed. And I am mean. This was the censored part.
@Kanji: drinking games you saaaaaay. Mind you, I have a rather high tolerance for alcohol *innocent desu*