I walked for 6 hours straight. Well give or take. Around 6 hours. But eh anygay, the result of my walk today: I got to see some japanese prints and a little bit of workshop. Overall it was amazing, simply putting it. I also bought myself a new shirt. Simple, black. Guess I really cannot buy myself something more colorful =)). I did try though. And felt uncomfortable.
But yeah, I am currently raping VS Arashi. Aiba is the biggest kid I have ever seen. They're all adorkable, but Aiba rubs on me the mostest ..at the moment x). And I am still the pedophile for Chinen Yuri. I am so brain-fucked.
Time to take a break and ...well ...rape the Yves Rocher catalog.
@Kanji: yeah hehe. More for you to read x). And I was asked to post my flaws. I still don't accept most of my flaws heh.