What does a bored student do on a Saturday night? Oh yeeeeh, get fat and watch lame movies. And play a little Starcraft and then getting bored with that too.
Gabi, my friend from Belgium dropped the bomb. She's hpv positive [no, it's not a typo] and I am more bummed about these news than she is. She's taking this rather lightly, but then again ..I suppose it's futile to get angry and sad. In the end it won't solve anything.
Last night, I met the japanese dude. He's nice. Of course Flavia stole the spotlight and humble mortals like moi stand no chance. Not like I had any to begin with. I am not that interesting or pretty or anything of the kind. But this is the self-bashing moi talking. I get like that when I see other people who are amazing or beautiful and I compare myself to them and I only see my flaws. Because it's only human to do so. If any of you knows how to forget insults, take compliments and realize their good points .. let me know. I have yet to figure it out.
But enough with the self-loathing and self-pity. I did meet this great girl. She hand-makes broches and rings and necklaces. And she's so cool and smart, and these compliments really do her no good. This is her self-promoting blog, but for all you non-romanians, it won't do you any good. Except maybe compliment her. If you like her stuff. But alas, I couldn't help myself and bought myself a broche.
@Kanji: ooooh then we definitely need to have a drinking contest. Pucca vs L hihihi. Ah your family isn't the only one with alcoholism running in. Yippiee. <3 The subways are back now. The subway is heaven compared to the bus.