I finally managed to close the bank account, pay the fees for "losing the ID card in mysterious circumstances" and just today I got my headshot. Just for spoilers, I look like a junkie. I had to look either like a junkie or a homeless. So my goal is achieved anyway.
Otherwise, I'm just couchpotatoing myself through this vacation. And eating sweets. Never forget the sweets. Speaking of sweets, no words needed:
@kawn: O__O is the same with O__O ..I was being sarcastic at my own inability to make a more proper comment. Ah so the Japanese and moi have something in common. Dashing x). I am seriously falling in love with Mally. She's so dorkish. And you're right ..they really seem chibi exist trace. Hehe.
@Kanji: Riiiiiiight ..like my blogging has some sort of existential point to it. You can do it You can do it *cheers*. I really do wonder sometimes what the fuck they are thinking when they make such movies. STAY AWAY FROM TETSUO. Seriously. It's beyond mortal understanding. Flatliners is pretty good. It had an interesting point to it.