Because I got so many many fans, I didn't delete my blog. I just made a new one. Aaaaand ... I like it.
But now onwards, noble steeds.
Here is the hand-writing meme I promised to do a very long time ago. As you can clearly see, I do have the ugliest hand writing ever:

1. Write your username.
2. Write your 2 favorite bands/groups of the moment.
3. Write something you ♥ aka lemme see your heart.
4. Write the name of your favorite person of all time.
5. Write the name of your recent favored person.
6. Tag 6 people to do this meme
Other than that, at the moment I am freezing my ass off. For summer, it's extremely cold. Barely 20 Celsius degrees outside. I didn't meet with Adina because it's raining. And raining. I didn't even go to the postal office to put the mail.
And yes I should be on msn or yahoo but I get so bored that my laptop is mostly shut down. Most of the time, I sleep or eat sweets.
But here, have some funny