I listened to D'espairsRay latest album, Monsters, which is pretty awesome. Okay so I listened to the latest jrock stuff, and I fell in love all over again =)). But I don't like Gazette's Shiver. There's something about that song ... Ah well, I finally got my hands on Dir en grey's Uroboros -with The Proof In The Name Of Living...- At Nippon Budokan DVD -awe-
Two days ago I took out all my earrings. I forgot how normal I can look -_-.
These days I've been so bored, that I even watched Dragonball Evolution. I think I'm mentally challenged, because I knew it was going to be bad, I don't even like the anime and still I watched it -_-.
This movie comes out next year :C. This is going to be a looooong year :C.
I think I am so in love with it because it's fantasy, combines animesque imagery with dragons, nazi airplanes and futuristic guns and so forth <3.
Oh and today is one of my brother's bday. Yippieeee!