I woke up at 7 today, so I could finish my homework. I did the more important stuff last night, and all I have left now is filling up some CV's. Two weeks ago we asked our professor to do more exercises and more stuff in general, because we were pretty disappointed with our progress during class. And because moron people will remain forever moronic, he gave us to fill up not one CV, but three :3. Instead of doing more and diverse exercises, we're doing the same shit. You would think he would get the general idea, but alas .. no.
And like usual, I am stuck. It's not that I don't know the German language, because seriously, after three years, you do know something [
though I have some classmates who would beg to differ .. and now we even have as classmate a girl who's repeating the year, just because :|]. My problem will forever be that I lack inspiration. I just don't know
what to write.
But time is passing and I must get back to my homework. I don't think my professor will understand that I lack inspiration :C