Just a quickie ..today I and some of my classmates were sitting in front of the German Department Office [this sounds so official haha ^_^] and there was this sweet scent of yummy food coming out of there ..we were extremely hungry, mind you. At 6 pm we were starving students. Turns out one of my German professors got her PhD ...and she treated us with cookies and gave all the girls a flower. It was extremely nice of her ( ^ _ ^ ).
@ Adi: come oooon .. nazi zombies, dragons, steam punk, trolls, robots, girls in skimpy clothing WOOOOO everything you'd want from a movie hihi. Naaah I'm kidding of course. Mi-a plăcut mult povestea din spatele ei ...nu toate filmele au un happy ending. Alienarea faţă de societate şi faţă de lumea din jurul tău. Nu ştiu haha...