Woo I am taking a short break ..I've been working since I woke up and my head is getting dizzy from all this seriousness -_-". Of course I didn't go home, because I've been too irresponsible and I left all my projects to be done on the last mile. And the days prior to today, I actually went to the Goethe Institut to collect info and such. So no fun for me -_-". I have to turn 3 projects on Monday, and I barely made one and working on my 2nd. Then study for my upcoming exam on Friday, then work on my semestrial glossar, then study for my last exams, and barely afterward work on my thesis. I like to lie and tell myself that I am not that far behind on my thesis, but then again, I work extremely well under pressure x_x'. Well actually I am pretty far behind on my thesis, but what the hell ...irresponsible much :3.