So this time has come ... Well not me blogging, but me graduating. Past Thursday I had my oral presentation of the thesis. And all the professors in the committee had nothing but good remarks. My Deutsch is getting better und besser. Yeah I know I don't sound too happy and excited ..these past days I was happy and excited that I did exceptionally well on my presentation but ..today I graduated and I am currently sinking into a depression. Besides the fact that I am so socially handicapped that I never got along
that well with my classmates ..what comes next after graduating? If not a master's programme [
which I am not going to do this year, since I missed the enlistment date ..which was last September for this year], I must get a job. Thing which I really do not want to do, because I don't want to be a responsible adult just yet. I don't know if this is merely a sign of procrastination or just a Peter Pan Syndrome. I may have a job perspective, but I don't want it. I don't want any of the things that come next. I don't know what I want to do now, but I certainly know what I don't want.