It's about 10 minutes to 2 am ...and I am so close to abandoning all hope. For the past 3 days I've been writing almost continuously, and I am still far from being finished. This is really a bloody sysiphean work. The days prior to my exams, I would write for about 8 hours per day, these days I'm practically breathing, eating and living my thesis and I am still not done. I am this --> .__. close to having a nervous breakdown. It's frustrating because I am writing and writing and keeping on writing and my work is not yet done. I don't know how much more I will say the same thing in a different form, but maybe then you would get why I am so bloody frustrated. So far I have over 200 pages and still counting and I just can't do it anymore. And my whole skin itches, my eyes are screaming and my hands and wrists are sore. Hesus pissing christ -___-"