Long time no blogging. Almost made it this month with only blog post. Almost. Well I am back in Bucharest. Have been here for quite a while now. Can you feel my enthusiasm? Can you? Can you? Well you fucking can't since it's not there -__-.
Ever since I came back here I've been cat-sitting. One of my brothers and his gf left for Greece and they left me the kitty to take care of. She's adorable, I have to admit that ...but she's a bloody devil. And I am slightly allergic to cats. But seriously, this cat makes me go bananas. One room's floor is covered in dirt because she apparently likes to dig the dirt from the flower pots at the most peculiar hours. Or chew at the cardboard boxes. Her name is Freya, after the norse goddess. Because both my brother and his gf are fans of viking metal and stuff like that. Although I always thought that the goddess' name was written as Freyja or Freja, but what do I know.
I've also been looking for a job, but that has been proven to be unsuccessful. I was looking for a job that had at least something to do with my major, but so far no good. And then my sister found me a job as an assistant manager [that's the pretty way to say secretary], which I find to be complete and utter shit. But my family is making me go to the interview, 'since we cannot always get what we want'. That's tough love. There is the highest possibility that I will fail the interview, since I lack absolutely every quality that is required in a job like this one.
But firstly, I have to go get my sort-of diploma which proves that I am a qualified translator. It's a lot of paperwork and running to do and it will probably be useless but one never knows.
For now I shall go drown my sorrows in books and cola. Shut up and don't judge. I will probably face a full year of being stuck in a job I don't like so shut up.