Me and sis came from our walk in the town. Even though there was nothing much to see in the town, we still went to see what's new. We both have sore legs at the moment. Eck we lack in the physical condition part. At the moment we get along pretty well ..but give us one week together and we'll be at each other's throats. And then give her rum filled bonbons and me vodka filled bonbons and everything will be okay again :3.
And this is what I found searching about Baek-Kyoung:
"-One day, when BaekKyoung was a Third Year Middle School Student, he was on his way to see his friend when he saw a "handsome looking guy with short hair" at some back alley. This handsome kid came over to him and slung his arm around BK's shoulder as if they were good friends and said, "hey kid, come over here. You look pretty cute... How much do you have on you?" BaekKyoung could never forget that kid who stole $3 from him that day, especially his peculiar voice. 2 Years later, he met the perpetrator again. His name was Jinhwan.
-According to Danny, Teddy can't remember directions to save his life. And we've all witnessed times when Teddy forgot the lyrics to his own songs… and even the names to those songs.
- BK, once after getting extremely drunk, called YG in the morning and said, "I love you."
- The other three worry about BaekKyoung's interesting habit of falling asleep in the bathtub whenever he gets drunk. He often wakes up when the water turns cold."
I'm amused ")