Weh today my relatives left and the count of words exchanged between us is equal to 2. I didn't blog about anything because it would have been boring rants about how pissed I am or, going to the other extreme, how je m'en fische I am due to the amount of pills mom gave me. The only person left now is my sister but she is leaving on Monday ..plus she's also 'neglectable quantity' hi hi hi hi. Weird enough that we've been together for one week and we haven't had a fight x). Wiii anyone? Proud of moi and sis?
So tonight I took my mom out to go see an incredible romanian actress who released her auto-biography [she starred in I Really Hate My Job, but I have a feeling no one's seen it...] but she didn't come because she had some operation done. We even bought her flowers and imagine our disappointment. Even more disappointing was that tonight at the bookfest were gathered 'writers and young, arising hopes' from my hometown. Fucking bollocks they were lame and, in my humble opinion though, brought shame to the art of writing. I think I even fell asleep a little. It was that much exciting oeh oeh.
And now here I be, with my beloved bottle of coke and.. nothing to watch on tv ..nothing to watch on youtube ..The Lovely Bones stopped at 77.4% download ..sis ate pretty much all teh cookies and sweets. Guess it's going to be Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete tonight for moi. Ho yeh suckers I got it and it's damn good. Better than the first version because they paid more attention to the details and they altered the story just a weeeeee bit bla bla bla and no more spoilers x).
I also got this and this. I feel so spoilt :X. The first thing is supposed to be a Korean something like a wallet but not quite a wallet. I don't have a description for it even in romanian. And yes notice the metal tapes in the backround. I am so trve that I have tapes uuuuu .. so kinky.
@Kanji: ah I had a feeling I told you before that I was going to live on my own the 2nd year of college. Oh well you know now :F -hug hug-