Yes I deleted my blog yet again.. out of unknown reason or out of pure boredom. A few weeks ago I made this one. Just now wonder how long will I keep this one up because I WILL eventually delete it. It deems impossible for me to keep something of the sort. But enough of my persona.
Currently I am extremely bored going on extremely-pissed-bashing-my-mouse-against-the-keyboard mostly because my current internet provider company is a huge pile of camel poop. I do not really know how bad camel poop is but I surely hope that is stinky and disgusting. Those are my feelings towards my new internet provider company. As romanians put it 'I shall piss on this imbecile company' because their internet is shit. For the past 30 minutes I am trying to download Mr Brain but because my internet is shit I cannot do so. And I am too pissed to read anything and I would most likely throw the book against ..something.
On the bright side, there might be a storm today. And I hope that it will be so powerful that it will burn the internet company to ashes. BURN MOTHERFUCKER BURN!
But I am all good now x)