I wanted to leave today towards homeeee.. but the highway is closed. It's a blizzard out there. And I don't take the train because at this time of the year, they take roughly around 22 hours to get from Bucharest to hometown. I am stuck in Bucharest :(.
I also got sick. My luck, right? So I am staying indoors, with Cocolina, watching either VS Arashi or Intimate Note, drinking hot milk with honey and making something für fressen. Baked potatoes with veggies. Imagine how sick I am that I had the urge to cook and eat veggies.
@Kanji: thank you for the cookieeeeees. You have a whole month between semesters? This is barely my Christmas break. On the 4th I am coming back at the uni, two weeks after I have my exam session, afterward I have only 1 week of inter-semesters vacation, then back. Daaaamn ..that means I have to take advantage of this vacation as much as I can. *glomps*