I am reading Sartor Resartus. I am actually taking interest in my upcoming exam. And I just realized how unprepared I am for these exams. As predicted earlier by me, I am going to wiggle my tail in pathetic fail. Also count my presentation this Friday. 4 pages including the pretty pictures. My only source of documentation was Wikipedia. Of course ..I could have gone to the library, but dumb irresponsible people are dumb and irresponsible. Then again, I'm convinced no one will listen to my presentation because what the fuck ..student presentations bore people.
I need some sort of distraction. Like ..my rotting bananas. Disturbing.
Ah fuck it ..I think I am going to laze around for some more, then panic again, try to do something constructive, fail and panic. Joy :3
pies: I probably won't reply to any of you ..it's not that I don't like you ..but my brain is mush, not thinking coherent and so forth.