Tomorrow I'm going back to Bucharest. Feel my enthusiasm :3. It radiates off me. Something along those lines. I haven't started packing yet. I barely finished my homework. And mind you, only my homework. I have an exam on Tuesday, a presentation and an exam on Friday. Then an essay for the other Monday und so weiter. But somehow I am pretty optimistic about this whole shit and feel like I am going to make it. I work really good under pressure x). And then I will come with my tail between my legs because I failed pathetically ^_^.
Currently there's a spider hanging off the ceiling and I don't dare to kill it. Rather blog about it =)). Is it phobia or plain disgust regarding arachnids? I don't think it's really phobia ..but those little creepers give me goosebumps.
@Kanji: I didn't really party on New Year's Eve. I just drank lots of alcohol and ...did my homework. How exciting hihiiiii.