I was being all serious business today, doing my deutsches Glossar and then my sister called me. The main university building is on fire. You know, with fire fighters, smoke and panic HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA -falls off the couch-. I think it's wrong to laugh at such a matter. Ah well.
I watched A tale of two sisters and The Uninvited ..well actually I watched a whole lot of movies instead of doing something more productive, like ..let's say study or maybe even show myself on msn. But those two movies disappointed me. I guess with all people saying that A tale of two sisters is the greatest horror movie, I had big expectations. But it's more like psychological than horror.
Tonight, after I've finished doing my share of the day for my deutsches Glossar, I shall watch Inkheart. Just hope that it will bore me deeply and motivate me to appear on msn.
@Kanji: for me it was my whole family. My brothers and my sister loved the books, so they kind of made me read them too. And then they played the movie on the tv and la la la. Dreams should really have a meaning of some sort, right? Or so it is said. But sometimes I'm amazed of what I dream.