Okay okay I get it. More updates. So ...3rd exam down and I should really know how many I have left. More importantly, I should know when I have the other exams. It pays not to pay attention during classes. Well that was a bad choice of words. Wasn't even funny.
Oh yes Kanji, I love it when you talk like that regarding pwning washing machines -wink wink-. My prize was the Galler chocolate [although the washing machine and the chocolate were totally unrelated..]. Chocolate snob? Of course I am.
But here's something my dad sent me. Does anyone else want to wreck their brains with this game? Yes, I definitely frustrated myself with this game plenty of times. Still didn't get the age that I wanted. Bummer.
Press start, wait for the countdown, look at the numbers and then press the circles where the numbers were in ascending order. And it should tell you how old your brain is :3. Have fun.