The story goes like this. Yesterday, when I started learning for my Deutsch Civilization exam I was informed that some student [who is not even our group leader] talked with the teacher to postpone the exam. To which the teacher agreed to, because she thought we ALL agreed to it. Some angry emails later, some more responsible people decided to talk with the teacher to NOT post-pone it and have the exam tomorrow, as we ALL agreed to in our last class. As we were clueless to when the exact date of the exam is, we went today to the uni. Of course the teacher didn't show up so we all went home, checked our email and ta daa .. the same student talked with the teacher to change YET AGAIN the date to this Wednesday. When others, including me, have another exam. But now the teacher is pissed. What the fuck is wrong with some people? Do they really get a kick out of complicating people's lives? Fucking ignorant bastard.
But want to hear something oddly funny? I had my first jrock dream. Or I think it was my first. But not really the point. You'd expect that it had some sort of hentai touch, right? Much to your and my disappointment, but in my dream ..I pissed my pants in front of Kaoru and Toshiya. Odd and disturbing dreams. I think no one has them like I do. I'm so awesome -spazz-
@Vanina: heeey, you're supposed to play it too.
@Kanji: I played that game so many times. And I discovered that when I'm tired and hungry, I have a better visual memory and get better scores. 29 eh? I scored 28 on my worst hehee. L-love? *battles eyelashes*. And I like that song from L'arc en ciel too *___*
@Kawn: the chocolate is delicious. Really yummy. But I don't want to rub your nose any further. I keep playing that game. It kind of makes me want to get better scores. If only I had this motivation at the uni @_@