Today is bullshit. I'm especially bummed about mom spilling my Coke in the sink just a few minutes ago. And my sister siding with her. It's okay for them to have guilty pleasures but not me because Coke is bad for me. Leave my Coke aloneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee -sob sob-
Now I'm sulking and listening to some instrumental work of Dornenreich. Ah whatever, I'm probably talking alien when it comes to bands.
For the moment, I'm waiting for Akumu Tantei 2 to load. It will probably be lame, but I love those kind of movies anyway.
@ Kanji: well not exactly forgetfulness ..but more like ..bad luck? Okay I don't know what to call it but yeeeh you get the point. I am on vacation right until Valentine's Day =)). Yes I know I really fail at keeping updated with the blog T_T. But heeeeey .. what about you? Blog? -battles eyelashes-
@ Kawn: aaaaw -hugs- yeeeh .. From now on I'll try to write more often. It's okay bishie. Sometimes even I don't know what to say, which you probably figured out from my awesome "O___O" or "O___O" or "-nosebleed-" type of comments. =))
@ Vanina: I didn't really wanna fuck you beibi but you're pretty when you cry. Am gresit versurile, nu?