So how do I start this. My laptop has been broken ever since my last post. Both its main drive and display broke. The guy who fixed it was surprised that two problems occured at the same time. But I'm just special. I finally picked up my laptop today, only to discover that he somehow managed to fuck up my sound drive. My iPod froze on me, which means I have to go have it checked as well. Maybe them too will fix that part and break something else. Like when a water pipe broke in the kitchen, got that fixed and the next thing that happened was that we got a notification to cut our electricity. My life is full of splendors.
Also like how I evolved from creepy dreams to full-time hallucinations. You know ..when you suddenly wake up to see a black hound crawling next to your bed/couch. Or when you see stuff at the corners of your eyes. Mhmmm freaky shit. But lack of sleep does that to a person. Could it also be related to eating? Ever since karma started biting my ass, every time I eat I feel like biting into my own stomach. But I digress ..I think.
Speaking of biting my ass, the uni also does that. I have already 3 projects and one essay to turn in in a few weeks or less. Also I have to do my homework for tomorrow. Tomorrow I also have to turn my laptop back. So that means that yes I will be gone again.
But for now I shall go check my e-mails. If I have any. And I probably won't reply but I should get started on some projects as long as I still have my laptop. Sorry <3
[I sound rather cheery don't I?]