So yeah ... I should update this bloggie. About the uni, I have one presentation in Deutsch, to write another Glossar and to write a 4 pages essay about a book that I disliked very very mucho. But next week we get our spring vacation so weeeeee fuck it all :3.
So today I met with Vanina, her bf and one of her friends. If Mohamad cannot go to the mountain, bring the mountain to Mohamad. People don't really get this analogy, right? Guess it's an inside joke. Although I don't believe Vanina understands it either. So this could be an inside joke between me and ... me :|
And just now me and my brother were sharing our "Bucharest happenings". From the subway to buses and malls. Of course, this may seem sense-less .. but really .. you have to be romanian and live in Bucharest to understand how hilarious all this is. This is rather funny actually x).
Well ..guess this is it. Have to stalk people now xP