Tomorrow I'm going homee .. Tomorrow I'm going homee .. Tomorrow I'm going homee -sing songs-
It' been a while and I can't wait to go back.Unfortunately for me, apparently it's raining in my hometown and it's going to rain some more. Over here in Bucharest is warmer but alas.
So to make this blog more interesting .. my sister and her bf moved to another place, with another couple. Said couple who has an adorable kitty faggot. So now my sis' life is complete haha.
Flavia broke up with Kyohei, aka the hot japanese dude attending our uni who turned out to be the best of assholes. True, she broke up with him a while ago and most of you have no idea who I am talking about but this is just fillers for this blog post.
I keep watching Diru's latest, Hageshisa to kono mune no naka de karamitsuita shakunetsu no yami. I probably wrote the title wrong but I am like "yay Shinya's back oh wait it's gooey and nasty, still like it though I must be mental".
My brother's relationship with his gf is pretty awkward nowadays .. Okay so this is really nonsense of me to write.
I'm looking at the stuff that needs to be packed ..before I used to pack all the useless shit ..now I am going to pack just two spare t-shirts, a blouse and two spare pairs of jeans.
And I'm hxc starving again. But bless me I still have a bottle of Coke in the fridge. I'm really mental, aren't I?
But ah, I'm going to leave you with:
So tschüß und aufwiedersehen, I'm going to watch 28 days later and 28 weeks later.
buh bye~