I have internet. Finally. And I went online and nobody was there. But that is typical for me.
So I spent my nights over here watching VH1. Especially VH1 Rocks. Some bands that I haven't listened to for a loooooong time completely changed their style. And in my humble opinion, they sucketh. Like Alice in Chains, for example. That is just so wrong. I wonder who would pay to see them live.
Oh yeah, they're coming to Romania at some shitty music festival. Rammstein are also attending this festival, festival which I think will be canceled due to the ticket's super high prices. You have to be completely mental to see some washout bands for that price.
Tomorrow I'm baking and making house made chocolate. Sweet.
Also, I'm finally meeting Vanina. And maybe I'm gonna show her my family's famous recipe for apple cake :3.
Oh, as a closing note.This is the picture I got from Google Earth. It's exactly what one could see from my south window [I have this super apartment that is situated on the south, east and north side of the building -bragging-] => http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/9035/strw.png