I'm back to being an honorable student. I had a test today, which counts for the final exam. My knowledge for this class counts for shit because trying to figure out what our professor wants from us is like trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum [I love this analogy .. just so you know .. I'm gonna use it whenever possible .. because I'm a kitty faggot].
Now let me share with you a fucking funny story, which will turn out humorlessly because I just cannot make jokes or tell funny stories. Just a warning x)
My brother somehow managed to burn out the general fuse in our apartment. So he went to the fuse box and started changing fuses and burning his fingers but details. Then mom called him and asked him about his day. To which my brother nonchallantly replied that he stole someone's fuse to replace it with our burnt one. He said that he'd better have an old lady crying over the fact that she cannot blow dry her pudel than a sister pissing her eyes. I have ... such a caring brother :3. Tooth-rooting sweet haha.
Not such a bad first day, ne?
@Kawn: Shit. Double shit. I knew I forgot to do something when I was home. The hand-writting meme. I'm soooooorry :C. I really didn't mean to.