We had some not-so-close relatives from Ukraine staying at our place. Both my parents speak russian, they couldn't speak romanian that good, I didn't understand one fucking word. But they brought me vodka ... and I didn't need anything else.
'The Book of Eli' ...when you hear about post-apocalyptic movies you have some certain expectations of them. You expect some sort of revelation out of them, or a plot that will just mindfuck you as it evolves, the decay of the characters' own moral codes. This movie was kind of disappointing. The plot seemed to be on fast-forward, the characters were under-developed and so long. 'Highschool of the Dead', on the other hand, is a rather exceptional post-apocalyptic anime. I can hardly wait for the rest of the episodes to come out. These days I'm watching a lot of dystopian films, just because. Right after I post this I am going to watch 'Natural City' yet again, which is some sort of cyber punk dystopian film ..uuuuugh and eating ice-cream.
Mom just informed me that the annual theatre competition held in my hometown will start next week. Finally something interesting :3