It's been ..what ..2 weeks without updates? Guess what happened in the meantime :3. Noooothiiiiiiing. Except that I finally did something constructive, like going to the theatre and finishing a book. And I also met some of Vani's friends. Some people are just too smart for their own sake -_-".
Speaking of friends, I am a bad friend. I have no clue what Adi is doing. The last time we spoke was last SATURDAY. I know that she has to go to Bucharest to retake an exam. It is high likely that she already retook the exam and even came back -_-". What was I doing? Oooooh I managed to crash my Windows all by myself XD. I am dead serious. I burnt a DVD, but the process kind of failed, so when I put the DVD in to check it, my Windows crashed XD. I fixed it, then my laptop just shut down because it was overheated XD. And yesterday a friend called me to come fix her computer too. I am such a nerd. But I digress :|.
So while I was busy doing shit, I saw that the movie Priest is due to come out. Movie which is loosely based on the manhwa. The manhwa is pretty much amazing [as I read the only 9 volumes available], the movie seems not so much amazing but still.
Then I also saw that Tron Legacy is due to come out too. I find that awesome x).
Iup, I spend too much time being a nerd in front of the laptop.