I came back from Constanta. We spent a lot of time there, and still it feels like we did nothing. Well, I did receive the package from my dearest Cabron. I'm quite surprised honestly. He sent me a t-shirt with some 'sushi-went-berserk' [or I think it's sushi :|], three bracelets and a very very special card. I'm not sharing any pictures because I am a total 'tard at taking pictures of myself, because I am already wearing them and I really don't want to strip. Some other day, or maybe Vani will take paparazzi pictures [she kind of likes to do that].
Oh yes, tonight I am heading off to Vanina to have a movie night :3. And eat like piggies :3. No alcohol though... Not even marshmallows :C.
Ah well, toodles~