I've been home for three [or four days] now. I still don't know what day it is. I'm lost. But that doesn't matter. I wish I could say that it was fun, but it was too short. Two out of three days we spent it on the road. And that one free day, instead of chatting with the relatives, we were busy doing all kind of shit. I was assigned with the kitchen duty. And vacuuming. And arranging the tables. And at times even entertaining the relatives. Apparently, I was the one that spent the most time over there so the relatives knew me better. Maybe next time it will take us less than 5 years to go there again.
But somehow, during all that mess, I found time to start a book. The Bone Collector by someone. I forgot his name and I'm too lazy to reach my hand and get the book. I barely started it, but it's still so much awesome than the movie.
And oh, my brother is having way too much fun with his car. He's really a maniac behind the wheels, but I like XD. And he somehow managed to loose his glasses. He forgot them on the rooftop of the car. I wanted to say that it was pretty much the epitome of our family's awesomness but just now when I came home I found that dad forgot the keys in the door, on the outside :3. Nobody has a family quite like mine. Or so I would like to believe.
I know I haven't been blogging that much either. It's not like I don't have what to blog about [because I really can blog about shit], it's just that I really have a hard time picking a display picture. Iup, I get bored trying to choose a display picture so much that I don't blog. And then I get myself some movies and I forget about myself. Just today I finished re-watching Supernatural Season 3 and started re-watching Supernatural Season 4. I had three episodes left from the third season, and I just couldn't pull myself together to watch it, mostly because I knew how it ended and I didn't like it. I know. I have no life. No one really knows what kind of shit I am capable of watching.
On another note, tomorrow I am going to Constanta with Vanishi. This would be our only second time going to Constanta together. The first time she took me to her university and book-hunting. Which reminds me [even though it's unrelated], I have to go sync my iPod. Busy busy busy.
oooooh this MV cracks me up, weil Rammstein toll ist.