I am taking a break from working on my Glossar. So far, I wrote about only one Funktionsverbgefüge out of 20 I must do. I am working so slow, mostly because I cannot stay focused [because there are for more interesting things like youtube, Star Trek movie on tv, Sims 3 ...]. Fortunately for me, I have this week as well at my disposal, because it's too bothersome to go to the uni. I'm so hxc, I know I know, no need for applause *bows*.
Adi has probably already arrived in Bucharest, but there's no need for me to go back this week. I am not missing out on much, which is actually a lie because there are 5 classes I should attend. But most of my classmates aren't going either so like usual, I said to myself "fuck it all, wooo!". Iamsuchabadkid:(