Today is my last day at home. Considering that next week I have 5 exams, I must go back. Or I think I have only 4 exams. I don't recall the exact number, but I do know that next week is pretty much fucked.
On the other hand, a classmate asked me to help her and work with her on German. I felt so honored, and no I am not conceited much xP. It's actually quite helpful for me too, since this year I have my most important exams. And oh shit, this year ... I am ... graduating :C. Bollocks. And just when I started to get along with some of my classmates.
But I'm going to go now and enjoy my last day at home. I know this isn't much of an update, but I'm not doing anything to begin with. I did start working on my semestrial Glossar, but that's pretty irrelevant. Otherwise I'm just watching movies and eating. I am having a hard time defining the line between boredom and hunger x).