Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I wanted to blog about something interesting, but I got bored writing it, so I deleted everything ...thought for a second and now I am typing this random shit. I haven't done, watched, listened or read something interesting. This may be the very definition of couch-potatoing, but I actually went out because it's such a beautiful weather outside [it's colder in the house than it is outside]. Actually I did watch Star Trek, you know ...the movies from the 80's, because I must keep up to my geek status. Did you know there actually is a dork/nerd/geek online test? I am saying this because just now I took it, and I scored 78 % Nerd, 74% Geek, 83% Dork ... which makes me an Outcast Genius hahahahahahaha =)) I'm bloody awesome. Don't get me wrong, I'm just bored today, even though it's only the beginning of the day.

On another note, my brother crashed his car. He did say that until he'll crash his car he won't learn to pay more attention in traffic. He's more awesome than I am. Oh who am I kidding, no one's more awesome than I am ...I am an outcast genius *battles eyelashes*. Okay I am kidding, my brother is fine, his car is in service but he won't have his license for 2 months. It is an inconvenience, but alas.

Now ...what to do today...