Last night I went to IKEA with my brother and sister x). And I bought [yes you guessed it] swedish sweets. Singoalla Kex and Daim, which are too damn expensive but so damn good. Well, Daim can get pretty gross when you eat too much of it. It's basically caramel dipped in chocolate. It's extremely good, but in small amounts.
Eh, I know I haven't been updating but I've been bored silly. The past weekend I was at home, but it was uneventful. I just sat and ate, like I usually do when I get home. It sucks when you have so much free time and you can't do shit because no one's free to do shit with :|. Luckily on Friday I have my last exam, then I will go back home and sit and eat and do shit. Yay x). I know it doesn't sound exciting, it's not that exciting actually, but it beats sitting in Bucharest. Bucharest is cold and depressing. Especially cold. The minimum was -18 degrees Celsius, or maybe -12 degrees Celsius. Nevertheless, pretty fucking cold.
And I should be studying, instead I am watching movies, because I have no notes to study from for this last exam. It's not my fault, really. Now I know I am a bad kid and at times I am not attending classes, but this time my professor didn't show up. Unfortunately, the professor expects us to learn the stuff he didn't teach when he was missing. Although unreasonable, it doesn't matter for him... I do have the shittiest luck with professors ^_^.