So it's been a while again since I last blogged. One of these days I should really keep to my word and update more. I already started appearing on msn more often :3. Aaaah I feel so proud of myself. Instead of working on my thesis I am on msn x). That or I am playing games.
My brother will lose his car [the repairing costs exceeds the car's worth] and an incredible amount of money on top of that. As for me, this semester I have a professor from Germany, who oh so suddenly decided to test our deutsch proficiency. I think I may be using that last word wrong but meeeeh. But I failed so hard at that german test that it was awesome o_o. And I do mean that I made mistakes that only an elementary school child would make. But given my mental age [irresponsible, nerdy, geeky, dorky, alcoholic because kids these days are getting the hang of drinking, playing games, having no social life, eating pizza and drinking cola at 3 am] it shouldn't surprise me that much.
I know this isn't much of an update ...but there isn't much to be said. I have two more months of being a student. Just two more months... Moo.