First of all ..I actually wanted to blog today ..and then I came to see that I was kindly asked to blog. So I shall blog. About everything that I've done and haven't shared. It might be a lot ..or not :3. Depending on how often I will get side-tracked, like I am now XD.
Well first of all, the 1st of March happened. And as it is to my understanding, only romanians actually celebrate it like it's bloody Christmas. We go to such lengths as buying this things/accessories/I-really-don't-know-what-to-call-them-in-english we call "mărţişoare" to most, if not all, of our friends. Such as these ones. I got no. 8 if I recall right ...unfortunately it's only a virtual mărţişor. Pity, I quite liked mine to be honest. And moreover, I like getting stuff. So now I am thinking of getting my internet lovies one because they're cute and it's damn well traditional. And by internet lovies I mean girls because it's weird giving boys such things ..although there is the north-eastern part of Romania where it's traditional for girls to give boys mărţişoare. Aaaah, Romania, the country of multi-culturalism x).
Also I am thinking of getting Adina one as well, but last time she told she found it weird. They are cute though. I am also thinking of getting Raluca one too, but I seriously don't remember her stance on them.
Two or three or maybe even four days ago I went to see Negură Bunget live, because you know me ...I'm a trve metalhead. I remember that when I first saw them live, maybe 4-5 years ago, I was the only girl in the bloody club. Now the club was filled with modern day whee-the-spirit-of-the-nature-is-calling-to-us hippies [and I do mean that they were 'dancing' like they had a connection with the spirit of the nature] or goth chicks life-is-too-mainstream-so-I'm-just-sitting-in-a-corner-being-sad. Where have the days of wearing a simple band t-shirt and banging your head like mad go? Also 4-5 years ago the band had the best line-up possible. Now two of the founding members left and founded another band that I really really like, and Negură Bunget is stuck with a vocalist that can't hold an entire song. Pity.
Otherwise, on Friday I nearly didn't make it to my first class. Class which has mandatory presence, which can be translated into 'miss one time and you fail the class', and our professor also told us that if we are just 5 minutes late, we shouldn't even bother coming at all. I woke up at 9.05, hour at which I should have already left home. And you know what was my first reaction? If you thought hurrying up, not even close. The first thing I did was call a classmate to ask her what to do. And she said that she will kindly wait for me at the subway station, so that if we're late [although she said there's no way we'll be late] at least we'll both be late. She's also the one that tagged me in the photo with the mărţisoarele from above. And she's also the one that once called me at 5 am. But that's okay, it was quite a hilarious miss-understanding.
And this weekend, I played Heroes of Might and Magic WoG with my brother and sister. We should really get out more. Luckily my sister has her dog to walk, and I have grocery-shopping to do. My brother is still hopeless x). Naaah, I don't really mean that. But now honestly, I should really start working on all the uni stuff I have yet to start. They're plling up like shit, which come to think of it ..it's a pretty nasty analogy. Let me think of a better one. They're piling up like ...aaaah... uhmmm... I never was and never going to be good at thinking of proper analogies.
On another note, it's snowing again. There are no proper random letters or words to fully describe the sound of resigning myself to this terrible fate: snow in March. Maybe a deep sigh. Something like that :|.