Today is weird for me. I can't really explain this, but it just feels weird and I feel out of place. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm getting closer and closer to graduating and I haven't worked on any of my projects nor on my thesis. And maybe because I'm not yet ready to be an adult. Well I am adult, but I mean a mature one ...with responsabilities and a job, my own place and maybe a doggie ...something along those lines. I don't know. I'm just aimlessly blogging because I just saw a movie that is more haunting than any horror movie I've seen. Except Shutter. Although ... while Shutter is haunting through its visuals, Sauna haunts you through its great imagery and that eerie desolation. It kind of reminds me of this other "horror movie", Epitaph, except the latter delivers everything we'd expect from a beautifully-written-but-with-a-few-scares drama.
Yeah yeah I know ..I should get out more, I have too much free time on my hands bla bla ..