Mhmmm I should update more ..I know the story, but this past Monday I started my exams :|. Yesterday I had two as well and today I have yet another one. And this past Monday I also had to hold another presentation, but due to some unfortunate events it got posponned for this Monday, when I have another exam... this latter one being a bit harder than my previous Monday exam. Life is great :3
And my professor from Austria got a haircut and now she looks like a boy. A pretty boy, but still a boy :|.
I know I wanted to write something else and something more, but I just cannot think of anything. Maybe that I won't be going home for this Easter ...because if I go home I won't be working on any of my projects, due at the beginning of the next month. I really need to get myself to the Goethe Institut und arbeit :(.
And yes, right now I should be panicking and reading some notes for my exam today, but you know I'm just that awesome :3. Speaking of awesome, I took out some of my earrings because they were starting to hurt a lot ..and I managed to snap one off :(. It actually feels pretty good to not rip my ears off whenever I change my clothes.
I have one and a half hours left before my exam [
well actually, before I have to leave for my exam] and guess what I am going to do [
this is actually not a very proactive question since you cannot really reply to me and I will just answer it in the next sentence]. I am going to play
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 ...or maybe not. Maybe it's time I should get a wee bit more responsible.
But alas, I managed to text DeAnn heheee. Now all I need is some other people's phone numbers to stalk them. Yosh!
And oh, that little display picture ..It looks like the bunny is shitting flowers, which I find to be awesome. And yes I did have to ruin the
prettiness of it :3.
Kanji: haha it shouldn't really matter how long it is ..because there you have the country's code and that's mandatory haha. Your phone number will look much the same, no worries x)
Bish: oh da ştiu ...mă surprinde ...adică încă mă mai surprinde o_o"