As everyone who is reading my blog can see, I've been missing for a while now. Well not that much actually, but still.. I don't even recall what I was doing the last time I updated my blog. I had some exams in between and they kind of sucked. Well actually I sucked at them mhmm. And right now I should be studying for my exam tomorrow. It's my last one as well *pressure pressure*. And after this last exam, I can finally start working on my thesis properly. I even went to the Goethe Institute and borrowed some books, and they're piled up and collecting dust so nicely so far :3.
And I am currently stalking the Blizzard site, waiting for some new updates on the release date of Diablo 3 ...so close yet so far away. They updated though, with a new class [Demon Hunter], and I have to admit that the trailer in particular looks much better than their previous ones, graphic wise. I know, my love for the Diablo franchise is unhealthy and I am a total dork bla bla bla ...I kind of hope that the game doesn't come out this month or the following month, or I will most likely fail with my thesis x_x.
But now my break is over, I must get back to studying. Happy happy joy joy x).