I've been missing for a while now. I'm just incredibly tired. I'm working on my thesis, yet it feels like I'm going nowhere fast. And when I'm not working on my thesis, I'm really not doing anything at all ...because my brain just shuts down and I can't write nor do anything productive. These days I'm in a state of feeling much like a zombie [it's the most appropriate term to describe my state of being at the moment].
Today is also my brother's bday. And we bought him a pretty decent [and by 'decent' I mean good quality but pretty bloody expensive] chair. I hope he comes back from work with ice-cream in an obscene quantity.
And I think that now I shall take a nap. Because I got stuck with my work and I'm tired and I can't focus anymore...but fret no, this happens to me daily. Well actually, I should fret and you should fret with my by association :3.