Woo it's been a long time ...I don't recall exactly how long has it been, but I've been pretty busy, since I started my exams. And they are not turning out as I would have liked to. I'm amazingly mediocre this semester -_-".
So today I decided to go see
Tron: Legacy in IMAX. As usual, I went alone.
Forever alone =)). It would have been nice to actually go with someone and make silly comments at the movie, but I actually quite enjoyed it and no one was available to go with me. Afterward I went gift hunting. It seems that Carry's obsession with Lush has taken over me as well, as I bought a friend something that looks and smells like a cake. And speaking of gifts, I just managed to ruin Adi's extremely belated bday gift x). I put it on the radiator to dry off and it's staring at me every time I lift up my eyes from the laptop. -
sigh- It could have been great. At least I talked with Adi about it and she's laughing it off... oh yeeeh, she's awesome like that ^_^.
On another note, I got this from
Nanneh [
oh shucks]:
One Lovely Blog

Accept this award by passing it on to 15 other bloggers. I don't think I even have these many friends o_o.. So you all can consider to be awarded, and I'm just going to wait and see who is going to post it on their blogs.
Now back to my sheep, I must "study". Tomorrow I have an English exam. And well ..after looking on the exercises a little bit, it's actually not that easy x_x.