I think I should update more than once a week. I also should reply to Sophia's letter [
and yes, I do mean letter], I should go online on msn more often, and not only on msn, I should reply to mails [
yes I am talking about you cabron, but it's taking me quite some time because I have to install a Microsoft Office Patch because I am still using Windows XP -foreverageek-], ...While it really shouldnt't take me that long to install a simple Office Patch, I am getting quite distracted sitting and playing some old game [
but do remember kids, good games never grow old x)], that is when I am not at the uni. Because yes, I started the uni this week and already I have so much stuff to do, but you know me by now. Irresponsible ♥. I actually am pretty irresponsible, because I stay awake until 3 or 4 am, wake up at 7 then go to the uni and barely function properly.
My brother's car is actually totalled, so that means that it will be a while until I will go back home. I could go by train as a normal student, but I gave my train coupons to a classmate, counting on the fact that by that time my brother still had the car. Ah such good times :3.
Oh, but I finally saw a bloody good movie.
Hot Fuzz, British comedy ♥, enough said. Maybe some day Adi bishie will come over, or maybe I will pay her a visit, and watch it together XD. It's been a while since we saw a movie together.
And I also finally began reading a good book.
Everything is illuminated. The movie was quite entertaining, so one can only assume that the book is even better.
Nanneh: your cbox has gone missing for quite some time now. Of course I could just leave comments hehe. Maybe Miyavi is just in a bad rut ...and someday he'll be back. I honestly haven't listened to anything new from him for a pretty long time, but I'm going to take your word for it. Also, regarding to the link, I have never heard of that particular romanian insult either. We do however have some pretty brainfucking insults. But really now, we're talking about insults? We're supposed to be ladies =).
Cabron: I have to ask you beforehand to excuse me for being such a 'tard in replying. But you have to understand this: after I come back from the uni, I turn on my laptop and start playing this really awesome game and keep saying to myself '
I'll install the Office Patch and reply later', and then I find myself awake at bloody 3 am. Of course I could reply now instead of writing on my blog :|. And, give Dordeduh a listen, if you haven't already. I believe this is how Negură Bunget should have sounded like, but that is just my humble opinion.