I am back with my brother now. His gf will no longer live with him, and yes I am talking about the brother that Adi and Dolores fancy. And no, they didn't break up. But whatever.
Today my German lesson was about food and restaurants, and mind you, I was hxc starving. My belly was rumbling all through the 4 hours of Practical Course, even my teacher looked quite sympathetically at moi. Ain't life full of shite? But anygay, speaking of German, this year I have been '
blessed' with le creme de la creme of the German teachers. German never seemed more enticing, and that is quite hard to acquire, in my humble opinion.
I don't have much to add. Pointless blogging aye. Except if you want to read rants about homework, essays, projects and presentations. Pimpin'
Kanji: *hugs tight* no worries, everything worked out in the end <3. How are you doing though? Long time no talking.