Friday, October 30, 2009

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Verpiss dich!

Yours truly.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

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Today I was planning to continue the work on meine Glossar. I was so motivated and all that ... but I got lazy. And at the rate I am working on it, I am sure that I will write it one day prior to handing it over. And now I also have to make a presentation at English History over the Chartist riots. But ack, never mind that.
This year, I have two teachers, one from Österreich and one from Deutschland, that both organize deutsch und österreichische movie nights. The movies are Cannes/Oscar nominated movies... you know .. the type of movies that at the end of it makes you wonder what was really the point and that have a little bit too subtle ideas of genius. Und sie sind ohne Untertiteln. Das ist ein bisschen gut weil sie uns zwingen, schneller zu lernen.
Ack now I am even starting to write in deutsch :\

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

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Yesterday started good. Me and my unofficial godparents arrived in Bucharest and stopped by the Chinese restaurant [the bamboo and sea-weed soup, the century eggs and the fried coconut milk were delicious]. But it ended rather badly. And ever since last night it just keeps on going badly.
And today is a mourning day for the German Section. One of the teachers died. She tought me in my first year and she was just amazing. I am at loss of words.
So R.I.P. Pierette Fotiadis.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

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Today I am packing my stuff little by little. My parents packed me like a mule. You know the saying.. when one carries stuff weighing more than their body weight. But this is complaining, I'm a tough girl and tough girls don't complain. Haha just kidding =).
I don't really have anything intelligent to say or some philosophical issue to debate. I'm just bored and with no clue as to what other book to read.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

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Today was a good day. Excellent I might even say. My unofficial godparents dropped by. Vanina also came, mostly because I tricked her into coming over. Pizza, marshmallows, music and so long and so forth. It was nice overall x). How could I describe it? I guess it's something you feel and cannot describe. Said state of mind and feeling.
My godparents have some business in Bucharest on Monday, so I am tagging along eheh. These are them by the way...

But yes, I missed my hometown. I have one more day to enjoy my stay..

@Kanji: sorry sorry sorry sorry but when I drop by msn you are not there. It seems we have a problem with our .. coordination? synchronization? what is it called?

Friday, October 23, 2009

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I know 'glamorous' is misspelled in the pic. And with that being said, I just saw the new Yves Rocher Christmas Catalogue. Christmas is two months away o.o'
But yeah my point, the limited edition products are sooooo damn enticing -slaps own wrists-. They also added new products moo :(. I'm a loser babeh so why don't you kill meee. Naah, just kidding!

@Kanji: I will stay at home until Monday. I decided to skip some courses today and Monday hehe. I'm a baaaaaad girl. The real story is that some of my teachers will be missing on Monday so yeah x). -boogie-
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Ah, back home. After a rather hellish train ride. I am cursed when it comes to travelling. I am stuck with either a religious fanatic/nutcase, old farts & hags, mentally retarded people [and it's not just literary speaking].
But I am home now with my bags of marshmallows. Forever and always marshmallows. Plus I also received a letter from Sophia. I thought she forgot about me heh. And now I must check my email. Love you Kawn <3

@Kanji: hehe, yeah it seems I have blogging fever again. Hey, more stuff for you to read <3

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

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I just listened, well I still am listening, to exist†trace's new mini-album. And I love it. And I am gay. Like there is a time when I'm not gay. No wait actually there is. When I see the dude from the Russian section who doesn't even know I exist. But let's not get sad.
exist†trace is made of awesome. I tell you x)

01 and 02. Did they really have to be this freaking expensive?
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Dearest Vanishi kindly 'complained' about my inactivity over my bloggie woggie. So here I be.
Eeeeeeeeh... Tomorrow a classmate and friend of mine is coming back in Romania, and we were not that close in our first year of studies but ever since her grandfather passed away she became ..closer to moi. She invited me to visit her in Belgium over the Christmas and even work with her there during the summer. And everytime she's leaving somewhere she's going something like "Ah, can we meet before I go?". But we are not gay hihi :P.

I am bugging my head over an English Literature and History presentation and my German Glossar. Head-ache material. Just head-ache material. I want to make my English presentation over Oscar Wilde's The Soul of Man Under Socialism and the socialism in Britain but no idea comes to my head and it is oh so very frustrating. I am not smart enough to make such an elaborate presentation mooo.
My German Glossar is actually very technical, but I have to research a lot for it and again it's frustrating because either the context is fucked up beyond reason or the translation looses every shred of meaning.

So I am nursing my head-ache by mentally abusing Sato Takeru in his amnesiac role from Mr Brain. Actually mentally abusing Sato Takeru in his whole being. Yes.
On another note, on Friday I am going back home. Plus my godparents have returned from Japan. Bliss.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

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I am back with my brother now. His gf will no longer live with him, and yes I am talking about the brother that Adi and Dolores fancy. And no, they didn't break up. But whatever.
Today my German lesson was about food and restaurants, and mind you, I was hxc starving. My belly was rumbling all through the 4 hours of Practical Course, even my teacher looked quite sympathetically at moi. Ain't life full of shite? But anygay, speaking of German, this year I have been 'blessed' with le creme de la creme of the German teachers. German never seemed more enticing, and that is quite hard to acquire, in my humble opinion.

I don't have much to add. Pointless blogging aye. Except if you want to read rants about homework, essays, projects and presentations. Pimpin'
@Kanji: *hugs tight* no worries, everything worked out in the end <3. How are you doing though? Long time no talking.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

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So yeh, apparently I will move back with my brother. They really don't have the heart to leave me be a homeless. Tomorrow is mine and Adina's last day of living together, and like every depressed girl, we want to stay tucked in, eating a fucking bucket of ice-cream, pizza and drink plenty of coke. And have facial treatments [Yves Rocher forever and ever]. Like face masks, scrubs, cleanser and all that. We're such girls, eh.
Anyway, living with Adina has its perks. It would be futile to enumerate and explain, but it's just plain funny in a tragi-comic way. Sort of... We're so awesome that we have matching cups. I pimped mine.

I make no sense right? But I am doing everything else I can, just to not do my homework and my essay for tomorrow. Adina as well. We're now sharing music tastes. Fucking awesome, aye!!
ps: I sort of have a friend at the uni x)

Monday, October 12, 2009

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This is an update.
First of all I would like to thank you Kanji <3. Thanks for your kind words and your moral support.
And now onto the oonga boonga serious stuff. By the end of this month I will be pretty much homeless. Me and Adina have been experiecing a lot of poop from the landlady. Such as checking up on us daily, not keeping her word to us and the latest, raising our rent. I mean ... when me and Adina moved in, we had nothing but a fridge and a bed. We have to sleep in complete dust, we still have no kitchen, no internet and no tv. And the landlady even raised our rent. So like every normal father, Adi's father made her move and so she will be out of this pig sty by the end of the week, to live with her sister. I, on the other hand, will be homeless because all my brothers are moving by the end of this month and my sister lives with her boyfriend. I'm despairing because I have no other to bring to live in said pig sty, I have no other places to go, fuck it I have no certainty.

But you all are doing better, right?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

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Today was going quite okay. Until I dared to hope that I would be able to do something extraordinary. Not only that there is a problem of finances, but also my sister is against it. I reformed to the idea. Guess I am a weak person and I don't fight too much for my cause. But my sister cannot, just cannot leave it to just that. She has to bitch out and involve mom and dad in a matter that doesn't really need them. I really don't need any more bickering. Isn't it futile to rub more salt onto the wound? It causes more pain but it doesn't necesarilly heal faster. And at the receiving end is me..

Ştiu că citeşti si o să vrei să mă suni ca să te asiguri că sunt ok. Şi o să fiu ok. Vroiam doar să-mi iau de pe suflet asta. Nu mă descurc prea bine să exprim prea bine ce simt, aşa că mai bine scriu. În realitate nu cred că este la fel de serios pe cât sună în postul ăsta. Aveam doar nevoie să scriu. Mâine soarele tot o să răsară şi cerul va fi tot albastru iar noi două tot o să ne înţelegem în felul nostru mai mult sau mai puţin disfuncţional.
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Today was the opening ceremony for all universities. Well the official one anygay. And I am not attending. Aren't I such a bad-ass shit? And as would Alice put it:

Haha I know you don't get me.
ps: I officially start the uni on Monday. Buuuuullshit.