So, I decided to own to my 20 flaws. To be honest, I try to hide them as much as possible, because I don't like them. At all. But here it goes:
01. I'm shy.
02. I'm paranoid.
03. I'm really weird [
at least others say that about moi].
04. I'm emotive.
05. I have way too sudden mood swings.
06. I'm possesive.
07. I like being in control [
guess it's not really the same as being possesive.. eh?].
08. I forgive but never forget, but most of the time I don't even forgive.
09. I never express what I truly feel.
10. I trash-talk others.
11. I tend to be misanthropical.
12. I tend to be snobbish.
13. I'm ungracefully clumsy.
14. I'm jealous.
15. I'm extremely lazy, you can basically write me off as a couch potato.
16. I lack self-esteem when it comes to my physical part [
I will never consider myself pretty, but I will always think that I am smarter than the average idiot. I don't lack self-esteem when it comes to my intellect as well, but there are better tools in the tool-shed].
17. I'm mean.
18. I'm a pessimist.
19. I'm more stubborn than a mule [
if possible o.o].
20. I lie.
I creeped you out now didn't I? hehe.
On another note, I am having a really hard time reading nowadays. My eyes hurt like hell when I try reading and I have to make these really funny faces to able to read something. Just today, I barely finished making some summaries for Deutsch because I kept squinting, scrunching my nose, closing one eye and so long and so forth. These new glasses were supposed to improve my sight, but it seems it's worse. Or I truly need to sleep and rest my eyes more. Hmmm.
Ah Flavia just called me. Goddamn I love that queen-bitch. Not only did she get the mail and phone number of the japanese dude from the uni, but she also invited him next week at a
orgyparty at her house. Which I am also attending. Yeah she called me to invite me to the
orgyparty next week. And brag about the immensity of her balls. eeeeeh x)