Dear diary, mood apathetic.
Naaaah I'm just kidding. I'm just really really tired. I woke up at 6 today and I fell asleep at around 3. So you can figure out how perky I am at the moment haha.
Today I went to a japanese festival, organized by Adina and her classmates. The idea of the festival was amazing, and all biases aside, her part was awesome. Furoshiki, the art of gift-wrapping. She and her friend made it all look so ... [I'm trying really hard to find the right word] ... simple and elegant. Maybe I should have stayed a little longer around there, but then again, I went there alone and it gets boring.
And now, I just saw I got a shout on my last.fm from a girl who weekly organizes Otaku Champloo in a club over here in Bucharest. Twist of fate though, she is the girl with whom I go all hentai and banana over the dir en grey livejournal community. What a kitty faggot x).
Speaking of livejournal. Has any of you seen the latest exist trace picture? Omi looks quite too much androgynous and Jyou looks ..I don't even know.
Later me and my siblings are going to have some sort of family reunion. Let's just see how that goes.